Wild Horses!
Horse Protection Day is here…
HORSE PROTECTION DAY: Helicopter Roundups, Wild Horses & Kill Pens
Horses arrived in North America during the Spanish Conquest. From the beginning, the early 1500s, those beautiful runners of the open land escaped their human masters and spread and thrived northward across the continent’s plains.
And ever since, humans have been rounding ’em up.
Over the past seventy years, those wild horses have fallen into a new category: vermin. So many horses are rounded up for the kill pens. To be slaughtered.
I’m posting this on March 1st, National Horse Protection Day.
The top wild horse conservation organization is virtually uniting advocates across America and sending a unified message to Congress:
“Prioritize horse protection over cruel helicopter wild horses roundups!”
“We are leading a nationwide Day of Action to tell Congress to ban the use of helicopters to round up wild horses. Support the Wild Horse and Burro Protection Act, H.R. 3656. It’s led by Nevada’s US Rep. Dina Titus,” said Suzanne Roy. Suzanne is Executive Director of the American Wild Horse Campaign.
“In 1971, Congress unanimously granted wild horses federal protection akin to the bald eagle.[1] Sadly, successive administrations have failed to uphold America’s promise of freedom for these iconic animals. It’s time to halt the helicopters and refocus on sustainable in-the-wild conservation.”
Roy also expressed thanks to Reps. Steve Cohen (Tenn-D.) and David Schweikert (Ariz-R.). And the 16 additional cosponsors of H.R. 3656.
This Day of Action follows a deadly helicopter roundup season this winter that has resulted in 71 wild horse deaths. And the roundup and removal of more than 7,000 wild horses and burros –- including over 1,000 foals –- from the wild.
National Horse Protection Day is the day for wild horse supporters to voice support on social media. Hashtags #KeepWildHorsesWild and #HaltTheHelicopters. And sign their names to AWHC’s letter calling on Congress to support H.R. 3656. The Wild Horse & Burro Protection Act.
It’s on March 1 that AWHC is also announced it was becoming American Wild Horse Conservation.
This reflects the organization’s efforts to reform wild horses and burros protection across the American West.
As well as improve and expand protected natural habitats like in Fish Springs, Nevada. And set the conservation standard through the world’s leading wild horse fertility control initiative.
“American Wild Horse Conservation is more than a campaign. We’re creating a new model for wild horse protection through sustainable in-the-wild conservation,” said Roy.
Today, American Wild Horse Conservation’s media center will launch featuring a press reel/B-roll for members of the press. On Thursday, the organization will unveil a new website and inform advocates how they can support a new model to protect wild horses.
The Battle Continues! For more on the inhuman war on Horses see Horse Slaughter Pipeline from America to Canada – Horse Meat.
“Horses! We Have A History!” Do You Agree With This Post?
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About American Wild Horse Conservation:
“American Wild Horse Conservation (AWHC) champions humane, in-the-wild protection of the nation’s wild horses and burros on our public lands. AWHC is modernizing wild horse and burro conservation across the American West. Expanding protected natural habitats in places like Fish Springs, Nevada.” For more information, visit home.americanwildhorse.org/.
“We are setting the conservation standard through the world’s leading wild horse fertility control initiative. We are proving that new science-based models for wild horse and burro protection exist and are humane, cost-effective, and scalable.”
[1] The Wild and Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act (WFRHBA) was signed into law by President Richard Nixon on December 18, 1971. The history-making Act covered the management, protection and study of “unbranded and unclaimed horses and burros on public lands in the United States.”
“Nothing is more priceless and more worthy of preservation than the rich array of animal life with which our country has been blessed.” President Richard M Nixon, on signing the Endangered Species Act into law, December 28, 1973.
SOURCE American Wild Horse Conservation, PR Newswire & Civilized Bears
HORSE PROTECTION DAY: Helicopter Roundups, Wild Horses & Kill Pens
#HaltTheHelicopters. #KeepWildHorsesWild. American Wild Horse Conservation, AWHC, burro protection, helicopter roundups, horses for sale. Horse Protection Day, National Horse Protection Day, kill pens, round up, the roundup, wild horses in America, wild horses near me.