BOY WHO WAS RAISED BY BEARS: Native American Bear Story & Legend

Native American Bear Story…

“Muinej The Bear’s Cub” – A Mi’kmaq Bear Story & Folktale Retold – A Native American Legend


Bear Story



Introduction by Brian Alan Burhoe.

Bears have long appeared in folktales and animal stories worldwide.

Especially among Northern Peoples.

Those of us of Northern ancestry, whether Northern European (Nordic, Slavic, Germanic, Celtic and Anglo-Saxon) or First Nations of North America, come from cultures that believed that Bearkind was Humankind’s closest blood relative.  Hence, for instance, the numerous stories of bear-human children among the Vikings, Germans and Druidic Celts.  Many First Nations have family groups who call themselves the Bear Clan, explaining they have actual bear blood in their veins or met bears in sacred visions.

Talking bears, bear-human hybrids and human children adopted and raised by loving mama bears are common story themes in both Old and New World oral traditions.  Even J. R. R. Tolkien wrote about Beowulf and “Bear’s Son Tales in European folklore.”

Here’s my retelling of a favourite bear story, a local First Nations folktale I read first as a boy…


“Muinej The Bear’s Cub” A Bear Story

In a younger Turtle Island, before the coming of foreign seafarers and clamoring machines and civilized greed, when the forests were greener and the trees were bigger, there lived a Mi’kmaq boy named Mikinawk.

Mikinawk never knew his real father who had been killed during a battle with another tribe.  Instead, he was raised by a brutal braggart of a man who believed his new wife loved her son more than him.  The mother often had to stop her new husband from beating the boy.

But eventually the man seemed to accept the boy and began to speak kindly to him and she secretly shed tears of thankfulness.

The day came when Mikinawk’s stepfather said, “Woman, this is the day Mikinawk will start on the path to manhood.  I will take him hunting with me.”

“But Mikinawk is not yet of age,” she said.

“He will be safe with me.  Have I not accepted him as my own?  Today, we will only hunt rabbits.”

So she agreed to let them set out in the forest.

On his previous hunt, when he had gone into the rocky Spirit Hills where other men of the band rarely went, the stepfather had spotted a cave.  And an idea had come to him then.

They traveled for what the boy thought was a long time.  Even he could identify rabbit droppings and pathways in the grass.  But his stepfather kept them moving on.

And then the man whispered, “Listen!  I hear voices of other men!”

The boy listened.  All he could make out were bird calls and the splashing of a nearby river.

“I don’t hear voices,” whispered Mikinawk.

“I do.  They are warriors of the band we once fought, I’m sure.  The ones who killed your father.  Quick!  See that cave?  Hide in there!  I will lay under one of those cedar trees and guard us.  Stay in the cave until I call you.  Go!”

And so Mikinawk ran into the cave, crawling deep into its darkness.

Laughing, the man followed his stepson, keeping out of sight in the trees.  He picked up a birch pole he had cut and hidden on his last trip here.  The hill was covered with big boulders left there long ago, say the old story tellers, by Ice Spirits.  He scampered up the hill and stuck the pole behind a boulder and set it rolling down the hill.  It crashed into place in the cave’s opening, blocking the boy’s way out.  Trapping the boy he hated.  He shouted out just one word, “Starve!”

But the shaking of the earth had loosened a bigger boulder further up the hill.  Or perhaps it was the Ice Spirits.  Hearing something behind him, the stepfather had only time to turn and see the rolling rock when it hit him.

Almost feeling the weight of the stone walls of the cave, Mikinawk bravely fought his loneliness and fear.  He listened intently for any sound beyond the great darkness that had swallowed him when the boulder had crashed into place.  But he was only five and he wanted his mother, so he eventually let out a big sob.

He was startled by a voice from deeper in the cave.

“Who is there?  Who are you?”  The voice was not human, but seemed to be of something small and young like him.

“I am Mikinawk.  Who are you?”

“I am Nidap.  This is my sister Ebit.”

“What animals are you?” he said into the darkness.

“We are bear cubs.  What are you?”

“I am a human.”

“Oh!” came two voices filled with fear.

“I am a friend,” said Mikinawk, hiding his own fear.  “This is a time for friendship.”

And then there was a crunching noise and sunlight spilled into the cave as the boulder was rolled away.

“Ebit!  Nidap!” came a deep growling voice.  “What is happening?  There is the smell of humans here.”

And Giju’muin, a big mother bear, crawled into the cave.  Snuffing noisily, her hot breath poured onto Mikinawk’s face.

“You are dangerous, little human.  I –”

“He said he is a friend,” came another voice, who must have been the sister bear.

Giju’muin thought about this.  She had found the body of a man on the hill.  Knowing that the humans would blame her for the death if discovered, and kill her and her cubs, she had carried the body and thrown it in the fast flowing river.

“Why are you here, little one?” she asked the boy.

“My stepfather must have done it.  He hates me.  But my mother loves him.  And the men of our band praise him as a mighty warrior.  I don’t know if I can go home.”

Now that there was light in the cave, the two cubs moved toward him and sniffed him.  The she-cub asked, “Can he stay with us, Mother?”

The mother bear thought again.  She couldn’t let him return to his people and tell them about her family.  But she didn’t have the heart to kill this helpless little human.

“Maybe.  For now, the blueberries are ripe and we must get to them before the crows and the others eat them all.”  So Giju’muin led the two cubs and the boy to the wild blueberry fields.

When they arrived at the fields, the bushes were blue with big juicy berries.  But there were many bears already there.  When those strange bears saw Mikinawk, some screeched “Human!  Run!”  And they scurried away.  Some adults growled mightily and charged at the boy.  Giju’muin put herself in front of the boy and warned them away, saying that she had adopted this human cub and that he would not harm them.

And so Mikinawk was adopted by the bears, who gave him a new name — Muinej, the Bear’s Cub.

The cubs were happy with their new brother and Giju’muin taught all three of the young ones the ways of the forest and meadowlands and waterways.  Muinej rejoiced in his newfound life, almost forgetting his old life in the village.  He loved the stories his mother bear told them.  Indeed, he even learned to walk on all four paws at times.  He almost came to believe he was a bear.

The next year, he and his brother Nidap thought up a sly plan to get more berries for themselves when they arrived again at the fresh blueberry grounds.  When they saw all the bears happily feeding on the sweet berries, Nidap ran among the bushes with Muinej chasing him.  Nidap began screaming “The humans are attacking.  Run!”  And many of the bears saw them and ran so fast they almost flew like the crows.

They stopped laughing when they saw the anger on Giju’muin’s face.

She growled a warning at them to never do that again.  But there was a hint of a smile from her when she shuffled away.

The brothers, sometimes with their sister’s help, were always up for tricks on other animals.  But never around their mother.  And so time passed happily.

One springtime, she was teaching them how to catch smelt fish in the slower shallows of the river.  Sister Ebit had hurt her leg a few days earlier when she had fallen out of a leafing birch tree, although it was healing.  So she sat on the river bank.  They were eating fresh smelts when Giju’muin lifted her nose to the air.  “Humans!” she cried.  “Follow me, my children. We must run!”

The boy thought at first that she was playing her own trick on them in punishment for what he and his brother had once done at the blueberry fields.  She had a long memory.

But no.  This was no trick.

They ran for the cave.  But sister bear still limped and slowed them down.  The mother bear knew what she must do.  “There!  We will hide under that big cedar tree.  Now!”

So they crawled under the low hanging cedar boughs and hid in the sweet-scented shadows.

Footsteps came closer.  She knew the hunters had seen them.  And followed their tracks in the grass and bushes.

Sadly Giju’muin said, “I am going out to face them.  When I am occupying them, Nidap, you must run to the rocky hills and do not slow down.  You are big enough now to make your own way in life.  Then you, Muinej, must go out and face them.  Plead for your sister’s life.  You are human, perhaps they will listen to you.”

And so Giju’muin scrambled out and ran away as fast as she could.  The boy heard men’s excited voices.  And the twang of hunting bows.  The cheers of success.  Spoken words he had not heard for what seemed a long time.  But recognized.

“Yes, brother,” he said to Nidap.  “Run that way.  I will speak for our sister.  We will all meet again.”

When Nidap ran out, the boy heard the men’s voices again, so he crawled out from under the cedar branches.

“See me!” he shouted to the hunters.  Ten men or so stared at the naked boy in surprise.

Beyond them, he saw the body of the mother bear, arrows in her like quills from a giant porcupine.  His eyes grew wet, but he had Ebit’s life to save.

“I am Muinej, once called Mikinawk!  With me is Ebit, my adopted sister.  Spare her!”

“It IS Mikinawk,” said one hunter.  The shocked men lowered their bows.

Silently, Muinej and Ebit went over to the body of Giju’muin and shed their tears.

Around a campfire that night, the boy who was known as Mikinawk told his story, as I have just told you.

When they returned to their Mi’kmaq village, there was more weeping as his mother joyfully received him — and his new sister.  His mother helped raise Ebit until the young she-bear was ready to return to the forest.

Muinej kept his bear-name.  He became a great hunter.  And with a heart as big as a bear’s, he always provided for his mother and others of the village in need.  But he never killed a bear.  And saw that his own people never hunted a she-bear when she had cubs.

He often met up with his brother Nidap and they would laugh and exchange stories of great deeds and greater meals.  And when Ebit grew into an adult and had her own cubs, he would visit her and her new family at the base of a hollow tree where they denned and they would relive old times and celebrate the new.

And once a year they would join all the other bears in the wild blueberry fields.



UPDATE:  I want to thank readers who gave such positive feedback to my bear story.

A common reaction was like that of Tylor Hugley: “Loved the story except mother bear’s death…” @TylorHugley.

I considered reworking that plot element.  After all, I had created my own original cast of characters.  And fleshed out this story of a boy who lived with bears.  “Let the Mama Bear live!” I told myself.  It was a sad moment when I realized that I had to follow the logic of the story as I had envisioned it.

In the versions of the Mama Bear story I’d read, the boy is unwanted and homeless.  And that didn’t seem true to the Mi’kmaq way.  Mikinawk would have had a loving family member, a grandmother, perhaps…  I gave Mikinawk a loving mother.  And reversed the European cruel stepmother story arc, giving him a cruel stepfather (somebody like Dicken’s Mr Murdstone).

Before returning to Canada as a lad, my Manx Grandmother, who loved to tell me old folktales, spoke of Bears (as well as Blackbirds, Brownies and Bugganes).

She used to tell the story of a girl who married a Viking chief who was a bear.  I think now it was a Manx version of the much longer Irish story, “The Brown Bear of Norway.”

It’s a deep cultural mythos that’s always haunted me.

I wrote this Bear Story to honour our local Mi’kmaq culture.[1]  And to celebrate our mystic Atlantic Canadian forests — where I have wandered most of my life.

The Bear story “Muinej The Bear’s Cub” and accompanying material on this page are copyright © by Brian Alan Burhoe.  You are free to reprint “Muinej The Bear’s Cub” but please credit this author.


Did you enjoy my Bear Story?




An “entertaining and affectionate” narrative in the Jack London Tradition of a lone Gray Wolf and his quest for a place in the far-flung forests of the feral North.  FREE TO READ ==>  WOLFBLOOD: A Wild Wolf, A Half-Wild Husky & A Wily Old Trapper


“Live Free, Mon Ami!” – Brian Alan Burhoe


Notes on this Bear Story:

Camp Fire Note Book - Canadian[1] I first read some of those great First Nations stories in old library books many years ago.  Including Mi’kmaq.  And copied down the tales I most loved in Camp Fire note books.

The story of an unwanted boy who was adopted by bears — titled “A Child Nourished by a Bear” — appeared in LEGENDS OF THE MICMACS, collected by Silas T Rand: “A long time before either the French or the English people were heard of, there was in a certain village a little boy who was an orphan.  He was in the charge of no one in particular, and sometimes stayed in one wigwam and sometimes in another, having no home of his own…”

Emelyn Newcomb Partridge also published a version of this same bear story — which she titled “Mooin the Bear’s Child” — in her GLOOSCAP THE GREAT CHIEF AND OTHER STORIES: “One day a hunter was looking for bear tracks.  He found the tracks of an old bear and two cubs.  And with these tracks, he saw marks like those made by the naked feet of a little child.”

October is Mi’kmaq History Month.

REMEMBER: Unceded Mi’kma’ki.  Peace and Friendship Treaty 1725!



BOY WHO WAS RAISED BY BEARS: Native American Bear Story & Legend – Muinej The Bear’s Cub – A Mi’kmaq Bear Story Retold – A free online short animal story.

American Indian, a bear story, animal stories for adults, bear stories, brown bear story, children animal stories, Civilized Bears. Camp Fire notebooks.  Indigenous, kids animal stories, little bear story, Mi’kmaq History Month, Micmac. Native American Indian, native American legend, native Americans, short animal stories. Furry fiction, bear furry, bear xenofiction, xenofiction. Short bear story.


Posted in An Earth Spirit, Bearkind, Otherkind | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on BOY WHO WAS RAISED BY BEARS: Native American Bear Story & Legend

WHEN IS NATIONAL PUPPY DAY? Meet Pudim, Cute CavaPoo Chief Snuggle Officer

National Puppy Day 2025.  Sunday, March 23.


National Puppy Day cute CavaPoo Pudim

WHEN IS NATIONAL PUPPY DAY? Meet Pudim, Cute CavaPoo Chief Snuggle Officer

In these flustering times, I can’t help remembering Charlie Brown.  Who wisely said “Happiness is a warm puppy.”  Seems like a long time ago, eh?

So the cutest little Cavapoo puppy comes to our rescue!  Just when we need him!

Here’s my pick of the REAL News Story of this Month:

“WHEN IS NATIONAL PUPPY DAY?  Meet Pudim, Cute CavaPoo Chief Snuggle Officer!”

Purina Puppy Chow and Kitten Chow have appointed the newest members of their C-Suite.  They’ve named Pudim, a CavaPoo puppy and Ika, an American shorthair kitten as their new “Chief Snuggle Officers.”

The “CSOs” will serve as reminders and inspiration for pet owners to give their puppies and kittens the right support and nutrition.  All for long, healthy lives. Each furry executive will receive a $25,000 “salary.” With Puppy & Kitten Chow also donating $25,000 in honor of National Puppy Day to Greater Good Charities – Disaster Relief.  Which is a charity dedicated to helping animals displaced by natural calamities.

Pudim and Ika were picked for the Chief Snuggle Officer title.

In their new roles, they’ll champion proper nutrition, healthy growth and creating a positive atmosphere simply by being their adorable selves.

National Puppy Day 2025Five-month-old Pudim joined his family just in time for Christmas.

He brought joy to the whole family with his mirror antics, fascination for hair dryers, and an uncanny ability to locate missing socks.

“Every day with Pudim is a new discovery,” said owner Vanessa.

“He has transformed our routine, making life lighter and turning every moment into a big adventure filled with joy and cuteness!”

Meanwhile, eight-month-old Ika found his forever home after a chance encounter in a restaurant parking lot.

“We always wanted a cat but never felt like it was the right time,” said owner YuFei. “As cliché as it sounds, we felt we were the chosen ones. Ika coming into our lives on our anniversary was the best thing that has ever happened to us.”

The Importance of Proper Nutrition

Puppy and Kitten Chow launched the search for the new Chief Snuggle Officers to harness the positivity puppies and kittens bring.

While highlighting the importance of proper nutrition during a pet’s early life. The developmental stages when they grow the most physically and mentally. While prior executive experience was not necessary for the role, Pudim and Ika proved to be natural experts.

“We’re excited to welcome Pudim and Ika to the Purina family to help inspire pet owners everywhere,” said Eric Willis, Chief Marketing Officer at Purina. “As our new Chief Snuggle Officers, they will help remind us that raising happy, healthy pets starts with good nutrition, proper care, plenty of play, and, as the name suggests — a lot of snuggles.”

Top 6 Chief Snuggle Officers Candidates (See Below…)

The nationwide search for the Chief Snuggle Officers began in January, 2025. With an independent panel selecting six finalists from over 4,000 entries based on cuteness, charm, and the heartwarming submission stories. Nearly 20,000 public votes determined the winners.

To learn more about Purina Puppy and Kitten Chow and the new Chief Snuggle Officers, visit

Do You Love Dogs?  See my popular post: “NORTH-WEST MOUNTED POLICE DOGS: Huskies and Other Sled Dogs”.


WHEN IS NATIONAL PUPPY DAY? Meet Pudim, Cute CavaPoo Chief Snuggle Officer

About Nestlé Purina PetCare:
Nestlé Purina PetCare creates richer lives for pets and the people who love them. Founded in 1894, Purina has helped dogs and cats live longer, healthier lives by offering scientifically based nutritional innovations.

Purina manufactures some of the world’s most trusted and popular pet care products. They include Dog Chow, Purina ONE, Pro Plan, Friskies and Tidy Cats. Our more than 11,000 U.S. associates take pride in our trusted pet food, treat and litter brands that feed 46 million dogs and 68 million cats every year. Nearly 500 Purina scientists, veterinarians, and pet care experts ensure our commitment to unsurpassed quality and nutrition.

Over the past five years, Purina has contributed more than $150 million towards organizations that bring, and keep, people and pets together, as well as those that help our communities and environment thrive. Purina is part of Nestlé, a global leader in Nutrition, Health and Wellness. For more information, visit to get the latest Purina news.

Top 6 Chief Snuggle Officers Candidates

Top 6 Chief Snuggle Officers Candidates

SOURCE: Purina Puppy & Kitten Chow, PRNewswire, Civilized Bears

TAGS: National Puppy Day 2025, National Puppy Day 2026, National Puppy Day This Year, National Puppy Day Canada, Chief Snuggle Officer.


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MOUSE TOWER of Archbishop Hatto German Folklore Characters & Folktales

Archbishop Hatto and the Mouse Tower.

A German Folktale.

The German Mouse Tower of Archbishop Hatto

MOUSE TOWER of Archbishop Hatto – German Folklore Characters & Folktales

There’s a unique power in German folktales, isn’t there?

So many of them came out of the sacred Germanic forests.

Many, but not all, were gathered by the Brothers Grimm.  We were told those stories in early childhood.  Others we read later in life.  I still treasure my Jack Zipes translations.  The two Bantam Books volumes of THE COMPLETE FAIRY TALES OF THE BROTHERS GRIMM sit on my writing desk shelves.

But Jacob and Wilhelm didn’t gather them all.

Here’s a personal favourite German folktale.  Its roots may not go back as far as the stories the Grimms collected.  This story only goes back 1051 years.


Hatto, Abbot of Fulda, a man of “singular skill and great spiritual endowments” (or so he said of himself), was elected Bishop of Mentz.  He was also a harsh man.  Being extremely greedy, he heaped up treasures which he guarded with the utmost care.

And then, wishing to be made Archbishop of Bingen am Rhein, he used every means in his power to accomplish his purpose.  He succeeded, and became even more ambitious, proud, and cruel.  He heavily taxed the people of Bingen to build fine manors and farmsteads for himself.

At last he built a stone watch tower by the Rhine River, where the river narrowed, to compel all ships to pay him toll.  Hatto used the tower as a platform for his men-at-arms — able archers all.  And demanded tribute from passing boats, shooting on their crews if they did not pay him.

Then came the Great Famine of 974.

And Hatto, having plenty of money, bought up everything and filled his granaries.  He sold his stores at such high prices that only the rich could buy them.

The Archbishop paid no heed to the supplications of his famishing people.  He intended to build an opulent new palace with their money.  Which he did.

One day, when Hatto was entertaining his rich friends at dinner, the starving people forced their way into the dining-hall and begged for food.

“Take pity, good Archbishop, on our hungry wives and little children!” pleaded the gaunt-faced man who led them.  “They die from hunger while your granaries are full of wheat.”

“My wheat is far too precious,” Hatto snarled at them, “for me to bestow it on hungry rats like you!”

But the villagers cried and begged until even some of his rich dinner-guests began to give Hatto looks of sympathy for the starvelings.

Hatto told the villagers to go to the large empty barn just outside, where wheat would be brought to them.  When they were gathered in the barn, Hatto ordered his men-at-arms to shut and bar the doors.  And to set the barn on fire.  And to put an arrow in any man, woman or child who leapt out of the flames.

Then Hatto returned to his feast.

When human shrieks reached the dining-hall, Hatto turned to his guests and said, “Hear how the corn-mice squeak!”  He laughed.  And his friends obediently laughed with him.  As you do when you are caught in a room with a cruel tyrant.

But the Wrath of Heaven was approaching.

A strange sound came from the doorway.  The whispering clatter, clatter of many tiny claws.  The little crunches of teeth on wood.  And the real sound of chirping corn-mice.

For out of the ashes of the barn thousands of mice were making their way to the palace, filling the rooms and running at Hatto.  The Archbishop screamed at his men-at-arms to defend him.

Thousands of the rodents were killed.  But more came.  And he was finally forced to flee in terror of his life to a boat, still pursued by legions of mice.

Hatto was ferried over the Rhine to the watch tower.  The Archbishop, his red cassock flapping wildly, ran into his tower, slammed the heavy door behind him.  Like a black cloudshadow, the mice swam after him.  Rushed up to and spread over the tower.  Chewed through door and window frames.  And jumping on him by the thousands, they ate him alive.

The tower has been called Der Mäuseturm — The Mouse Tower — ever since.

Today, the exterior of Mouse Tower is kept freshly painted white with dark orange trim.  But nobody lives inside its stone walls.  Its heavy oak door is locked.  People aren’t allowed inside.  Some locals will tell you it’s haunted by the evil spirit of Hatto the Oppressor.  Others tell stories of small, dark Maismäuse with fiery eyes.  If you go there after midnight, you’ll hear a desperate banging from inside.

The Mouse Tower stands as a warning to men who would be tyrants.


German mice of der Mauseturm

“They have whetted their teeth against the stones,
And now they pick the bishop’s bones;
They gnawed the flesh from every limb,
For they were sent to do judgement on him!” – Robert Southey, “God’s Judgment on a Wicked Bishop.”

If you love Folk Tales as I do, see my popular NATIVE AMERICAN LEGEND: Wild Woman of the Woods – Woman of the Mask.

And WHAT ARE SPIRIT BEARS?  Sacred White Bears & Native Canadian Legends.


MOUSE TOWER of Archbishop Hatto – German Folklore Characters & Folktales


  • “God’s Judgment on a Wicked Bishop.” Robert Southey (1774-1843). From POEMS OF TRAGEDY: IV. Germany, Bliss Carman, et al., eds, D Appleton & Co., New York. 1904.
  • TO NUREMBERG AND BACK: A Girl’s Holiday, by Amy Neally, E P Dutton & Company, New York, 1892.
  • FOLK TALES FROM MANY LANDS: A Collection of Folk Tales from Across the World, Lilian Gask, T Y Crowell & Company, New York, 1910.
  • “The Mouse Tower (German: Mäuseturm) is a stone tower on a small island in the Rhine, outside Bingen am Rhein, Germany. The Mouse Tower with Ehrenfels Castle…” MOUSE TOWER.
  • “Der Binger Mäuseturm ist ein ehemaliger Wehr- und Wachturm. Er steht auf der Mäuseturminsel im Rhein vor dem Binger Stadtteil Bingerbrück…” Binger Mäuseturm.

Archbishop Hatto Mouse Tower mice

TAGS: Mouse Tower, Archbishop Hatto, German Folklore Characters, German Folktales.


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Why Do Huskies Howl? Why Are Huskies So Excitable? Sled Dogs

Huskies are part wolf, part whirlwind.

Huskies, Northcountry sled dogs.


Husky huskies sled dogs

Why Do Huskies Howl? Why Are Huskies So Excitable? Sled Dogs

“Watch out for the dogs!”

When Europeans first arrived in the Canadian Northcountry, they were warned to watch out for the ferocious sled dogs.

Those dogs — huskies and malamutes — were big, excitable and dangerous.  Back then, the Native tribes deliberately mated those half-wild sled dogs with local grey wolves.  The result was an animal that was really a “Wolf-dog.”

Later, when the North became mechanized, the husky became obsolete.  But not unwanted.  Some of those dogs were beloved house pets.

And then dog sled races became the rage of the new age.  Those dogs were interbred with southern racing breeds.  The modern Husky is a much smaller animal.  Not wolf-sized.  Not as wolfish as its ancestors.

But still it has Husky traits.  We know.  We had a Husky we named Yukon King.  King loved to howl at the moon (scaring our neighbours).  He had tremendous strength.  Excitement.  And loved to pull!

He became a loyal one-man dog.  As soon as I would get home from work, he’d jump around like a white and black whirlwind.  He’d shout “C’mon!  Let’s run!  Let’s GO!  A-wooo!”

Here, from canine expert Jane Scaplen, is a wonderful guest blog explaining…

“Why Are Huskies So Dramatic? (Unveiling the Drama)” by Jane Scaplen

Have you ever encountered a husky and been captivated by their theatrical and expressive nature? Huskies are a breed known for their dramatic tendencies, which often leave their owners and admirers both amused and perplexed. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of huskies and explore why they are so dramatic.

We will unravel the mysteries behind their behavior. Debunk common misconceptions. And ultimately gain a deeper understanding of these fascinating creatures.

Huskies sled dogs

1. Understanding Husky Behavior:

To truly appreciate and comprehend the drama that huskies display, it’s essential to have a general understanding of their breed characteristics. Huskies are a working breed originating from the cold and harsh climates of Siberia. They were bred for endurance, strength, and agility, traits that are still evident in modern-day huskies. These dogs have a strong desire to explore and roam, and they possess an inherent need for mental and physical stimulation.

Compared to other dog breeds, huskies tend to be highly expressive and exhibit more pronounced behaviors. Their striking blue or multi-colored eyes, erect ears, and fluffy tails are just a few aspects that contribute to their visual appeal. But it is their animated and dramatic behavior that truly sets them apart.

2. Huskies – The Role of Instincts:

Huskies have retained many of their ancestral instincts, which can manifest in dramatic behavior. Howling, for example, is a behavior deeply ingrained in their DNA. It’s their way of communication, whether it is expressing their emotions or communicating with other huskies. When a husky howls, it’s as if they are performing on a grand stage, projecting their voice to be heard far and wide.

Another dramatic behavior commonly observed in huskies is their tendency to zoom around with seemingly boundless energy. This behavior, known as the “zoomies,” is an instinctual response to their need for exercise and stimulation. It is their way of releasing pent-up energy and expressing their joy and exuberance.

Huskies also have a flair for the dramatic when it comes to their reactions. Whether it is excitement, fear, or frustration, their responses can be exaggerated and theatrical. They may jump, spin, or vocalize in a way that demands attention and leaves a lasting impression.

3. A Need for Attention and Stimulation:

One major reason behind huskies’ dramatic tendencies lies in their need for attention and stimulation. These intelligent and active dogs require both mental and physical engagement to thrive. When huskies feel bored or understimulated, they may resort to dramatic behavior as a means to communicate their needs and seek attention.

Drama becomes their way of saying, “Hey, I need something to do!” Or “Pay attention to me!” They may engage in attention-seeking behaviors such as barking, pawing, or even performing tricks to capture your focus. Understanding and meeting their need for mental and physical stimulation can help minimize dramatic displays and foster a more harmonious relationship.

Also read: Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds for Allergen-sensitive Owners.

4. Huskies Emotional Sensitivity:

Huskies are emotionally sensitive creatures. They are highly attuned to their surroundings and the emotions of those around them. This sensitivity can manifest in dramatic displays, especially when they are feeling stressed, anxious, or excited.

For example, if a husky senses tension or conflict within the household, they may respond with dramatic behavior as a way of expressing their discomfort or attempting to diffuse the situation. Similarly, when they are excited, such as before a walk or mealtime, their enthusiasm may escalate into a dramatic display of jumping, spinning, and vocalizing.

Recognizing and addressing their emotional needs can help manage their dramatic tendencies. Providing a calm and stable environment, practicing positive reinforcement, and offering reassurance during stressful situations can help alleviate their emotional sensitivity and reduce dramatic displays.

5. Social Interaction and Pack Mentality:

Huskies have a strong pack mentality ingrained in their DNA. Historically, they were bred to work closely with their human companions and other dogs in a team setting. This pack mentality influences their behavior and can contribute to their dramatic displays.

Camping with dogs - North Huskies

Within a family dynamic, huskies may engage in dramatic behavior to establish hierarchy or assert their position within the pack. This can be observed during interactions with other dogs or even with their human family members. They may engage in “play fights” or use dramatic displays to communicate their intentions and assert their dominance.

Understanding their pack mentality and providing clear boundaries and consistent leadership can help manage their dramatic tendencies in social settings. Socializing them from an early age and providing opportunities for positive interactions with other dogs can also contribute to a more balanced and well-adjusted husky.

6. Huskies Training Considerations:

When it comes to training huskies, it is essential to tailor techniques to their unique temperament. Traditional dominance-based training methods may not be effective and can even exacerbate their dramatic tendencies. Instead, positive reinforcement methods, such as using treats, praise, and rewards, are highly recommended.

Huskies respond well to rewards-based training, as it taps into their desire for stimulation and their willingness to please their owners. By channeling their dramatic energy into constructive tasks and activities, such as obedience training or agility exercises, they can learn to focus their energy in a positive manner.

Establishing clear boundaries and consistency in training is crucial for managing husky drama. Reinforcing desired behaviors and redirecting their dramatic tendencies can help them understand what is expected of them. Remember, patience, understanding, and positive reinforcement are key elements in training and managing the dramatic nature of these magnificent creatures.

Also read: Why Do Dogs Lick Their Paws?


Huskies are undoubtedly one of the most intriguing and theatrical dog breeds out there. Their expressive behavior, whether it is howling, zooming around, or exaggerated reactions, never fails to captivate our attention. Understanding the reasons behind their dramatic tendencies, such as their instincts, need for attention and stimulation, emotional sensitivity, and pack mentality, is crucial in managing and appreciating their unique personalities.

Rather than viewing husky drama as a negative trait, let us embrace it as part of their charm. By providing them with the mental and physical stimulation they need, addressing their emotional sensitivity, and utilizing positive reinforcement-based training techniques, we can foster a harmonious relationship with our huskies.

Do you have a husky with a flair for the dramatic? Share your stories, tips, and experience with us. Let’s celebrate the drama and unravel the mysteries together!

– Jane Scaplen

Do You love Dog Stories?

Read this story of the Wolf who rescued a Husky!




An “absorbing and kind-hearted” narrative in the Jack London Tradition.  Story of a lone Gray Wolf and his quest for a place in the far-flung forests of the feral North.  WOLFBLOOD: A Wild Wolf, A Half-Wild Husky & A Wily Old Trapper


Why Do Huskies Howl? Why Are Huskies So Excitable? Sled Dogs

SOURCE: Jane Scaplen writes well-informed articles. Among her posts are “Alaskan Klee Kai: The Complete Guide to This Small Husky Breed.” And “35 Low Maintenance Dog Breeds: The Ultimate Guide to Easiest Dog Breeds.” Free Guest Posting Articles.

RESEARCH: “Husky is a general term for a dog used in the Polar regions, primarily and specifically for work as sled dogs. It refers to a traditional northern type, notable for its cold-weather tolerance and overall hardiness. Modern racing huskies that…” Husky.

TAGS: husky dog, husky, Siberian huskies, Alaskan malamute vs husky, hypoallergenic dogs, puppy husky, husky for sale.

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NORTHWOODS MOVIES Call of the North 1921 Remake Movie Review

Northwoods Movies Review…

Thrilling Northwoods Movies once ruled the theatres across the nation!


Call of the north -cecil b demille - dogsleds and Northwoods Movies

NORTHWOODS MOVIES Call of the North 1921 Remake Movie Review

Cecil B DeMille released his fourth motion picture THE CALL OF THE NORTH in 1914.  It was given rave reviews.  And became his first international hit.

I’ve even written a popular story on DeMille’s making of that classic Silent Movie:  Cecil B DeMille, Call of the North & Tikah People – aka Tiger Indians.

The silent movie was based on Western writer Stewart Edward White’s best selling novel CONJUROR’S HOUSE: A Romance of the Free Forest.

Both book and movie were so popular that Paramount decided to do a remake of the film in 1921.  Cecil B DeMille’s original screenplay had been based on White’s novel. And on the 1908 stage play adaptation by George Broadhurst.  It was rewritten by Jack Cunningham for the remake.  Like the first version, the movie was filmed at Big Bear Lake.

Northwoods Movies: Jack Holt in THE CALL OF THE NORTH (Paramount)

“Jack Holt’s auspicious introduction to stardom. A stirring story of the Hudson Bay country, containing consistent characterizations and many high points of interest. Unbroken suspense is a valuable attribute of the picture. Directed by Joseph Henabery. From Stewart Edward White’s novel CONJUROR’S HOUSE.” – From Exhibitors Herald Movie Review, December 3, 1921

Jack Holt in Call of the North - Northwoods Movies

The Northwoods Movies review continued:

Jack Holt wins his spurs as a Paramount star in The Call of the North. It is one of the best Hudson Bay stories ever produced, and there’s not a mounted policeman in it. Stewart Edward White’s CONJUROR’S HOUSE is the novel picturized. Joseph Henabery’s direction, plus the faultless settings and brilliant photography, presents the story in precise and telling order.

Holt is a man’s man in this Northwoods Movies picture, an upstanding free trader who opposes the dictatorial factor of the Hudson’s Bay Company and wins, logically. He eclipses his best previous work by a wide margin.

Madge Bellamy is the feminine lead. She convincingly plays the role of a sheltered daughter dramatically brought to a realization of life values. Francis MacDonald, in a small role, gives the next best single performance, though the work of none in the cast permits of serious criticism.

The picture should be given the auspicious surroundings the creditable first vehicle of a star deserves.

Call of the North - Jack HoltIt will pay handsomely for work done in its behalf.

In the story, Ned Brent, a free trader who has successfully opposed the iron rule of the Hudson Bay Company’s factor, is captured and brought into the trading post.

They plan to keep him here until the snows come.  Then to send him out upon the long trail without food or rifle. A custom said to have been followed by representatives of that concern.

Defying the factor, he falls in love with his daughter. And he finds the affection reciprocated. When her attempt to aid him to escape brings her father to the verge of murder it is brought out that the father is responsible for the death of Brent’s father years before. This complex situation is worked out logically and the picture brought quickly to a satisfying ending.

– A Northwoods Movies review from Exhibitors Herald, December 3, 1921


“Ned Trent (Jack Holt) is a free trader who has successfully opposed the iron rule of the Hudson’s Bay Company factor Galen Albret (Noah Berry). He’s captured and brought to the trading post. The powerful factor plans to keep him there until the first snowfall. And then send Ned out without any food or rifle. On La Longue Traverse, also called The Journey of Death. A cruel death sentence levied by the Company factors on those who defy them.

“Trent falls in love with the factor’s daughter Virginia (Madge Bellamy) and finds his affection reciprocated. When her attempt to aid Trent to escape brings her father to the verge of murder, it’s discovered that Albret had been responsible for the death of Trent’s father many years earlier.” – Wiki Review

“Live Free, Mon Ami!” – Brian Alan Burhoe


Did you like this Northwoods Movies Review?


“Thanks for a wonderful in-depth article on Mountie fiction. I’m a big fan of the Mounties and I really enjoyed the amount of details you provided and found many, many more books to put on my wish list.” Jack Wagner

“I just discovered your blog recently and need to dig deeper into it. That post on Mountie fiction is great!” Western Writer James Reasoner

When our Canadian Mounted Police first arrived in the lawless North-West Territories, they soon entered our National Mythology.  A look at the many writers who helped create that magnificent Mythology.  Amply illustrated with glorious book and magazine covers.  The GREATEST AUTHORS OF NORTH-WEST MOUNTED POLICE FICTION


About Western Writer Stewart Edward White:

“Stewart Edward White writes out of a vast self-made experience, draws his characters from a wide acquaintance with men, recalls situations and incidents through years of forest tramping, hunting, exploring in Africa and the less visited places of our continent, for the differing occasions of his books. In his boyhood he spent a great part of each year in lumber camps and on the river…

“In the height of the Montana gold rush he set out for the Black Hills. He returned East broke. And wrote The Claim Jumpers and The Westerners. He followed Roosevelt into Africa, described in The Land of Footprints and in Simba. He has, more recently, seen service in France as a Major in the U. S. Field Artillery.” (George Gordon, The Men Who Make Our Novels, Moffat, Yard & Company, New York, 1919)

“I never go anywhere for material,” Stewart Edward White once told an interviewer…

“If I did, I should not get it. I go places merely because for one reason or another, they attract me. Then, if it happens that I get close enough to the life, I may later find that I have something to write about. A man rarely writes anything convincing unless he has lived the life; not with his critical faculty alert but wholeheartedly and because, for the time being, it is his life.” (Grant Martin Overton, When Winter Comes to Main Street, p. 64).

White, a friend of Theodore Roosevelt, was an advocate of Roosevelt’s doctrine of the strenuous life which stressed hard work and physical exercise as the means to strength of character.

White was also one of a school of writers such as Owen Wister and Jack London who believed that the writer must be a man of action.

Northwoods Author Stewart Edward WhiteCertainly, White’s life testifies to this belief in the strenuous life, for he followed wherever his taste for adventure led him — Michigan, Manitoba, the Canadian North-West Territories, Alaska, Arizona, South Dakota, California and Africa.

He found something to write about in each adventure. In a career of over sixty-four years, he wrote almost a book a year.

His published works include twenty-four volumes of nonfiction and thirty-four of fiction. Almost all are either directly autobiographical or have strong autobiographical elements, a characteristic which gives them authenticity and which serves as a unifying element for the wide diversity of White’s literary accomplishments. (Judy Alter. Stewart Edward White. Boise, ID: Boise State University, 1975. Western Writers Series, 18.)

For more, see “Stewart Edward White (March 12, 1873 – September 18, 1946) was an American writer, novelist, and Spiritualist. He was a brother of noted mural painter Gilbert White…” Stewart Edward White.

Top Header photo and photo below are of Big Bear Lake, where both Call of the North movies were filmed.  Black and white images are of people mentioned in this text.

Big Bear Lake Northwoods Movies Review


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DOG PAW LICKING Why Do Dogs Lick Their Paws – 7 Reasons

Dog Paw licking can drive you crazy.

All About Dog Paw Licking — the Seven Reasons Dogs lick their paws.


Dog licking paw - why

DOG PAW LICKING: Why Do Dogs Lick Their Paws?  The 7 Reasons

“Why does my dog keep licking her paws?”

“Slurp, slurp, slurp,” said our neighbour, nodding down at her Westie.  “That’s all Sadie does.  Licks her paws.  Usually this walk in the park calms her down.”  She pulled up on Sadie’s leash to lift the pup’s head.

“Yeah,” I agreed.  “We’ve tried a number of anti-itch pet shampoos for our Bella.  Cocker Spaniels seem to be really susceptible to body itch.”

“First we treated Sadie for fleas and mites.  But we think it’s food allergies.”

“We are too.  We know that one of Bella’s littermates was tested for allergies.  Chicken seems to be a real culprit.  They say chicken meat is a ‘warming protein’ — which is bad for dogs.  Also all those antibiotics and hormones they feed chickens…”

“Our vet gave us special formula dog food.  It’s not working for Sadie.  How are you making out with Bella?”

“Bella has good days and itchy days.  We seem to be finding the answers.  The right shampoo and diet.  We’re keeping a daily journal of everything we do.  The answer’s in there somewhere.”

Bella and Sadie touched noses and for a while two tails whipped happily back and forth.  We smiled.

Dog Paw Licking is a common behavior that can often be puzzling for pet owners.  While some occasional licking is completely normal, frequent or obsessive licking can sometimes be a sign of an underlying issue.  Here, from expert writer Jane Scaplen, is an excellent Guest Blog on this hot topic.

“Why Do Dogs Lick Their Paws?” by Jane Scaplen

Why Dogs Lick Their Paws

In this article, we’ll explore the different reasons why dogs lick their paws. And provide insight into when this behavior is a cause for concern.

1. Dog Paw Licking: Natural Grooming Behavior

Dogs use their tongues as one of their primary grooming tools. Just like cats, they lick their paws to keep them clean. It’s normal for a dog to lick their paws after a walk or after eating. It helps remove dirt and debris that may have gotten stuck between their toes. If your dog is only licking occasionally and doesn’t seem to be in any discomfort, it is likely just part of their natural grooming routine.

2. Dog Paw Licking & Dry or Itchy Skin

Dry skin is a common cause of paw licking. If your dog’s paws are dry, cracked, or irritated, they may lick them to soothe the discomfort. Environmental factors like cold weather, hot pavement, or seasonal allergies can lead to dry or itchy paws.

If you notice that your dog licks their paws more often in certain weather conditions, it’s possible that their skin is reacting to environmental stressors.

Dog paw licking - reasons

3. Dog Paw Licking & Allergies

Just like humans, dogs can suffer from allergies. If your dog is licking their paws excessively, it may be due to allergies. Allergies can be caused by food, pollen, dust mites, or certain chemicals like those found in cleaning products or lawn treatments. Allergies often lead to itching and inflammation, which causes dogs to lick or chew at their paws in an attempt to relieve discomfort.

4. Injury or Foreign Object

Dogs may lick their paws if they have an injury such as a cut, scrape, or thorn stuck between their toes. Licking is a way for dogs to self-soothe and try to alleviate pain. You may notice your dog licking one paw more than others. Or seeming to be limping or favoring a paw. Inspect it for cuts, swelling, or foreign objects. If you find any injuries, it’s best to clean the paw and monitor the healing process.

5. Boredom or Anxiety

Dogs sometimes lick their paws as a way to relieve stress, boredom, or anxiety. Just as humans might bite their nails, dogs can lick their paws to cope with emotional discomfort. They may turn to paw licking as a way to self-soothe. Is your pup left alone for long periods? Experience changes in their routine? Or is not getting enough physical and mental stimulation? In more severe cases, this behavior can become compulsive.

6. Fungal or Bacterial Infections

Fungal and bacterial infections can also cause your dog to lick their paws. Infections often lead to swelling, redness, and an unpleasant odor. If the paw licking is persistent and accompanied by signs like discharge, swelling, or an odor, it’s important to seek veterinary attention. A veterinarian will be able to diagnose the infection and provide appropriate treatment.

7. Dog Paw Licking & Parasites

Fleas, ticks, or mites can cause irritation that leads dogs to lick their paws in an attempt to relieve the itching. Even if you regularly treat your dog for parasites, it’s possible for them to still develop an issue with pests. If your dog is licking their paws and showing signs of excessive scratching or biting, checking for parasites could be an important step.

Dog Paw Licking

Dog Paw Licking: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is it normal for dogs to lick their paws?

Yes, occasional paw licking is completely normal. Dogs lick their paws for grooming and cleanliness. However, excessive or compulsive licking could indicate an underlying issue.

When should I be concerned about my dog’s paw licking?

If dog paw licking is frequent, persistent, or accompanied by other signs (like swelling, redness, discharge, or limping), it may indicate an injury, infection, or allergy. Consult your vet if you’re concerned.

How can I stop my dog from licking their paws?

First, identify the cause of the licking. If it’s due to boredom, increase your dog’s exercise and mental stimulation. If it’s related to an allergy, try to identify and eliminate the allergen. In cases of injury or infection, contact your vet for advice and treatment.

Can food allergies cause paw licking in dogs?

Yes, food allergies can cause itching and discomfort, leading to paw licking. Common allergens in dog food include beef, chicken, dairy, and grains. If you suspect a food allergy, consider switching to a hypoallergenic diet or consulting your vet for an elimination diet.

Dog licking paw - happy Westie in park

How can I treat dry paws in dogs?

Dry paws can be treated with moisturizing balms specifically designed for dogs. You can also protect their paws by limiting exposure to harsh weather. And using paw booties during walks in extreme temperatures. If the dryness persists, consult your vet for recommendations.

Can anxiety cause paw licking in dogs?

Yes, anxiety is a common cause of paw licking. Dogs may lick their paws as a way to cope with stress or nervousness. If you suspect anxiety, try to identify any triggers (like separation anxiety or loud noises). Work on reducing stress through training, calming products, or medication prescribed by your vet.


Paw licking is a behavior that can have many different causes. While it’s often just a natural grooming instinct, excessive licking may indicate a problem. Could be an injury, allergy, or emotional distress.

Observing your dog’s behavior and looking for other signs will help you determine whether their paw licking is normal or requires attention. If you’re unsure or if the behavior persists, a visit to the vet is always a good idea.

– Thanks, Jane, for this well-informed Dog Paw Licking article.

Do You love Dog Stories?

Read this story of the Wolf who rescued a Husky!




An “absorbing and kind-hearted” narrative in the Jack London Tradition.  Story of a lone Gray Wolf and his quest for a place in the far-flung forests of the feral North.  WOLFBLOOD: A Wild Wolf, A Half-Wild Husky & A Wily Old Trapper



  • “They say chicken meat is a ‘warming protein’ — which is bad.”  For more info, see Dogs Naturally Magazine: “Allergic dogs should eat cooling proteins such as fish, duck, and rabbit. Cooling foods for dogs with allergies help to bring down the…” Help Allergies With Cooling Proteins For Dogs
  • For additional qualified information, see the American Kennel Club: “There can be several causes, including injuries, skin problems, allergies to canine environments, parasites, or food, and boredom or anxiety…” Why Does My Dog Lick Their Paws?
  • “When Queen Victoria called her new puppy Sharp, Sharp became one of the most popular canine names in the British Empire…” MOST POPULAR DOG NAMES THIS YEAR: Male & Female Dog Names

Jane Scaplen is a writer of memorable articles. Among her posts are “Dumbest Animals in the World.” “Why Do Chickens Lay Unfertilized Eggs?” And “Why Are Huskies So Dramatic?” Source: Free Guest Posting Articles.

Buff Cocker Spaniel in park

Article “tagged” as: Why do dogs lick? Why do dogs lick their feet? Why do dogs lick their paws? Food allergies, skin allergies, yeast infections, fungal infection, bacterial infections, natural grooming, dogs lick, grooming, paw licking.


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2025 Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race – Fairbanks to Nome Alaska – History

The Iditarod.

Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race History.

Where does the Iditarod start?

2025 Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race - Fairbanks to Nome Alaska

2025 Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race – Fairbanks to Nome Alaska – Iditarod History

“Celebrating the Hundredth Anniversary of the Heroic Sled Dog Serum Run!”

The 2025 Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race is also known as “The Last Great Race.” It’s now scheduled to run from Fairbanks to Nome, moving it closer to its original historic route.

March 3, 2025, marks the fourth time in history that the Iditarod will restart in Fairbanks.

The Iditarod Trail Committee made the announcement on February 17, 2025. After conditions on some portions of the trail south of Fairbanks were deemed unpassable.

Fairbanks is located in the center of Alaska. With a population just under 100,000, it’s well equipped for hosting the renowned Iditarod. Pike’s Waterfront Lodge on the Chena River will be the headquarters and location for the restart.

History: 1925, the Serum Run, Gunnar Kaasen & Lead Dog Balto

Dog mushing is Alaska’s official state sport. It was a reliable form of transportation for hundreds of years.

This is shown by “The Serum Run” of 1925. When heroic dogs and mushers became life savers in an incredible race against time. The Iditarod was inspired by this legendary journey that began just south of Fairbanks in the town of Nenana.

And ended 674 miles later in the small city of Nome which was facing a diphtheria outbreak. A 20-pound cylinder of diphtheria serum traveled via the Alaska Railroad from Seward to Nenana. It was there that the serum began its grueling trip to Nome. With the help of 20 mushers and more than 100 dogs.

Iditarod- Balto Serum Run Anniversary

100 Years Ago! Fighting Fierce Blizzards, Gunnar Kaasen and His Lead Dog Balto Reached Nome, Alaska, With Serum To Save Children Sick With Diphtheria

This epic run was accomplished in only five days when Gunnar Kaasen and his lead dog Balto arrived in Nome on February 2, 1925.

The Iditarod will bring an added boost of energy and excitement to Fairbanks’ already event-filled March.

There will be mild temperatures and plenty of sunshine. This time of year has one-of-a-kind events. Like the World Ice Art Championships, where more than 50 international ice sculptors turn enormous blocks of ice into works of art. Travelers will journey to the Fairbanks area from all over the world from August 21 through April 21. which is also known as the Aurora Season. Located under the Auroral Oval, Fairbanks offers a good of clear nights. And a great chance to see the amazing Northern Lights.

More than a Dog Race

In addition to outdoor fun, there are plenty of museums, art galleries and creative performances to enjoy. Be sure to make the Morris Thompson Cultural and Visitors Center your first stop in Fairbanks. There you can find information on things to do during your stay.

The Iditarod: History Before 1925

Iditarod Huskies dog sled Alaska

Portions of the Iditarod Trail were used by the Native Alaskan Inupiaq and Athabaskan peoples hundreds of years before the arrival of Russian fur traders in the 1800s.

But the trail reached its peak between the late 1880s and the mid-1920s as miners arrived to dig coal and later gold. Especially after the Alaska gold rush at Nome in 1898, when sourdoughs poured in from the booming Canadian Klondike. And again at the “Inland Empire” along the Kuskokwim Mountains between the Yukon and Kuskokwim rivers, in 1908.

The steamship was the primary communication and transportation link to the rest of the world during the summer. But between October and June the northern ports like Nome became icebound. And dog sleds delivered mail, firewood, mining equipment, gold ore, food, furs, and other needed supplies. All along the trading posts and settlements across the Interior and along the western coast.

Roadhouses where travellers could spend the night sprang up every 14 to 30 miles until the end of the 1920s. That’s when the mail carriers were replaced by bush pilots flying small aircraft, and the roadhouses vanished. Dog sledding persisted in the rural parts of Alaska. But was almost driven into extinction by the increased use of snowmobiles in the 1960s.[1]

It was sled dog races that kept the tradition alive!


Do You love Dog Stories?

Read this story of the Wolf who rescued a Husky!




An “entertaining and affectionate” narrative in the Jack London Tradition.  Story of a lone Gray Wolf and his quest for a place in the far-flung forests of the feral North.  WOLFBLOOD: A Wild Wolf, A Half-Wild Husky & A Wily Old Trapper


To learn more about the The Last Great Race, visit For more information on Fairbanks, request a free copy of the Fairbanks Visitors Guide and Winter Guide. You can call 1-800-327-5774 or (907) 456-5774. Order or view the guides online, get information about the Aurora Borealis and see a robust schedule of winter events and activities online at Explore Fairbanks is a non-profit marketing and management organization. Its mission is to be an economic driver in the Fairbanks region.

[1] “The Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race is an annual long-distance sled dog race held in Alaska in early March. It usually travels from Anchorage to Nome. Mushers and a team of between 12 and 16 dogs…” Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race.

SOURCE Explore Fairbanks, PRNewswire & Civilized Bears

TAGS: Alaska sled dog race, Iditarod start, Iditarod distance, where does the Iditarod start. When does the Iditarod start, Iditarod ceremonial start 2025, jr Iditarod, Iditarod history.

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POLAR BEAR NAMES in Greenland, Scandinavia, Canada, Alaska & Siberia

Polar Bear Names.

Where do Polar Bears live?  Are there Polar Bears in Greenland?



POLAR BEAR NAMES in Greenland, Scandinavia, Canada, Alaska & Siberia

“Polar bears rock!”  It’s a common Canadian sentiment, eh?  We love ’em so much that there’s a movement here in the Great White North to give it yet another name.  “Canada’s National Animal.”

The Polar Bear lives where?

Polar Bears live in the High Arctic.  Around the world.  From Canada, and eastward across Greenland, Scandinavia, Siberia (in eastern Russia, along the Arctic Ocean coast) and Alaska.  They’ve got an impressive number of names.

Discover the fascinating array of names given to the big white bear.  Names that reflect its significance in various cultures.  And scientific communities. This majestic creature is known scientifically as Ursus Maritimus.  It holds a revered place in the folklore and languages of the Arctic region people.

Here, from Nature writer Lisa Jeeves is a Guest Blog on Polar Bears.

“The Many Names of the Polar Bear: A Cultural and Scientific Exploration” by Lisa Jeeves

The polar bear is a symbol of the Arctic’s wild majesty. It’s not only a fascinating subject for wildlife enthusiasts but also a critical study in evolutionary adaptation. The Arctic region derives its name from the Greek word arktos, meaning bear. Which hints at the deep connection between this environment and its most iconic inhabitant. The entire Arctic region at the top of the world is named after the fierce white bear that lives there.

Observing these magnificent animals in their natural habitat offers more than just a thrilling adventure. It provides insight into a complex ecosystem where the polar bear reigns as a formidable predator.

Polar Bear Names

Around the Northern seas, this great white bear has garnered more than a few names.

Ursus Maritimus: The Sea Bear

The polar bear was first termed “Ursus Maritimus” by C.J Phipps in 1774.  In his work, “A Voyage Towards The North Pole.” This Latin name translates to “Sea Bear.” A nod to the animal’s strong swimming abilities. And its primary habitat along the ice edges and in the cold seas of the Arctic.

Polar Bear - Sea Bear

Naturalists classify polar bears as marine mammals. They are strong swimmers who can paddle up to six miles per hour. Their wide paws, strong claws, and slightly webbed feet help them move across — and under — the ice.

Greek and Canadian Names

Thalarctos: A Brief Nomenclatural Change

In the 19th century, the name briefly changed to Thalarctos. Which derived from Greek words “thalasso” (sea) and ‘arctos” (bear), emphasizing its connection to the ocean. However, by 1971, the scientific community reverted to the original nomenclature, Ursus Maritimus. This remains its recognized scientific name today.

Nanuq: Inuit People and the Polar Bear

The Inuit, indigenous people of the Canadian Arctic, call it “Nanuq,” symbolizing deep respect. Another poetic name used by the Inuit is “Pihoqahiak.” Meaning “the ever-wandering one,” highlighting the bear’s constant movement across vast icy landscapes. The Inuit speak of the white bear with “Reverence and Poetry.”

European and Russian Names

In Russia, the Arctic bear is known as “beliy medved’ or “white bear.” Scandinavians refer to it as “Isbjorn,” or “Ice Bear” — ” a direct reference to its icy habitat. These names reflect the bear’s prominent physical characteristic and its environment.

Mythological and Respectful Names by Other Cultures

  • Norse Mythology: Known as the ‘White Sea Deer,’ ‘Seal’s Dread,’ and ‘Whale’s Bane,’ among others. These names depict the white bear as a powerful and mystical creature.
  • Old Icelandic: their name for the Arctic bear was ‘Bjarndýri.’
  • Sámi People: They call it ‘God’s Dog’ or ‘Old Man in the Fur Cloak,’ avoiding its real name out of respect and fear.[1]
  • Greenland: Known as ‘Tornassuk,’ or ‘Master of Helping Spirits.’
  • Siberian Tribes: The Ket people refer to it as ‘Orqoi,” meaning ‘Grandfather.’ Indicating a venerable status within their culture.

Observing Polar Bears in the Wild

Are you interested in observing these magnificent creatures up close? Arctic bear tours are available in Churchill, Manitoba. Churchill is known as the “Polar Bear Capital of the World.” These tours not only offer a chance to see the northern bears in their natural habitat. But also raise awareness about the importance of conservation efforts.

“Endangered Species” — Conservation Status: A Call for Awareness

Despite their revered status in folklore and their adaptability, the Arctic bears are facing significant threats due to climate change. The melting of Northern ice reduces their habitat and hunting grounds. This critically impacts their population.

According to the World Wildlife Fund, there are currently only 22,000 to 31,000 sea bears left in the wild. Conservation efforts are crucial to ensure that future generations may also know the powerful white bear. Not just by the many names it carries, but as a thriving species in its natural habitat.

For more detailed information on sea bear conservation efforts, visit World Wildlife Fund and Polar Bears International.

Understanding the diverse names and cultural significance of the polar bear enriches the experience of those fortunate enough to observe these magnificent creatures in the wild. It also highlights the importance of global efforts required to conserve their populations and habitats.

Thanks, Lisa Jeeves.


🍁 SEE one of my most popular posts: What Is Canada’s National Animal? The Polar Bear!



Polar Bear cubs


[1] “The Sámi are the traditionally Sámi-speaking indigenous people inhabiting the region of Sápmi. Which today encompasses large northern parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and of the Kola Peninsula in Russia. The region of Sápmi was formerly known as Lapland.  A place renowned for its herds of semi-domesticated reindeer. And the Sámi have historically been known in English as Lapps or Laplanders…”ámi_people

Lisa Jeeves is a writer of well-written Wildlife articles.  Among her articles are “Physical Characteristics of the Jaguar.” “Galapagos Sea Lions: Sheep Dogs of the Ocean.” And “Look No Feather for Brilliant Birdwatching Holidays.” Source: Free Guest Posting Articles.

TAGS: Polar Bear Names. Polar bears habitat. Are there Polar Bears in Canada? Does Greenland have polar bears?


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CANADIAN INUIT ART: Animal Stone Carving to Inukshuk Spiritual Meaning

Inukshuk Spiritual Meaning.

The Inukshuk. A Canadian Inuit art and signpost.


Inuit Inukshuk and Canadian flag

CANADIAN INUIT ART. From Animal Stone Carving to Inukshuk Figures — Spiritual Meaning

From soapstone animal carvings to the Inukshuk made of piled local rocks, Canadian Inuit sculptures are attracting attention.  Worldwide attention.

We’ve long been aware that the Indigenous peoples of the Arctic Circle are unique.  Those people are the Inuit, formerly known as Eskimo.  They are part of an indigenous group spread across the High North of eastern Siberia, Alaska, northern Canada and Greenland.

They appeared in Canada about 5500 years ago.  Until Farley Mowat (who had lived among them) released his PEOPLE OF THE DEER in 1952, little was known about them as a society.

Today, we know more.  We certainly know about their artwork!

Here, from Clint Leung, is a knowledgeable look at these people and their stonework…

Materials Used In Inuit Sculpture and Inukshuk

Inuit artisans in Canada’s Arctic regions use raw materials that are found on the land. Or from the sea along the coasts. There are no trees up in the Arctic tundra. So wood was never an option as a raw material for Inuit sculpture and art. Instead, the Inuit artisans used whatever is available locally. Therefore stone is the most common material used for their Inuit sculpture. Followed by animal bone and ivory.

Stone For Inuit Sculpture and Inukshuk

Since stone is the most common raw material for Inuit sculpture, this is what the world usually sees from Inuit art. However, getting a good supply of quality stone isn’t always easy for Inuit carvers. Quarries or sites with good stone aren’t always located near the various Inuit communities.

Inuit Stone Sculpture of Walrus

Inuit Stone Sculpture of Walrus

Inuit artists would often have to travel together to the quarries. By boat during the summer or by snowmobile during the winter. Sometimes trips can take several days. Getting the stone out of the land is hard physical labor. It has to be extracted with tools such as picks and drills. The stone cannot be simply blasted out with dynamite. Blasting would damage the stone. Once enough quality stone is extracted, the Inuit carvers would have to transport the supply back to their communities.

The Different Styles of Inuit Sculpture

At first glance, all Inuit soapstone sculptures from the Arctic may look alike. However, there are variances in artistic styles among the different Inuit art communities. While both animal and human images are common themes in Inuit art, some seem to do more animals while others do more people figures.

Some communities make their subjects appear quite realistic, with lots of high detail. In others, a more crude and primitive look is preferred. There are Inuit sculptures that have a highly polished finishes. And some that are the complete opposite where they are left dull and unpolished.

The popular Dancing Bear sculptures, for instance, usually have highly polished surfaces.


Contemporary Arctic Art Carvings

Some areas specialize in producing small scale miniatures. Which are much like the artwork by their ancestors who first came into contact with white men. Inuit sculpture can range from quietly naturalistic to bold or even wildly outrageous. Scenes can be playful like a piece depicting two Inuit children playing. Or with a sense of humour like a walrus waving at you. On the other end, transformation and shamanic pieces can look disturbing or even frightening to some viewers. Hunting scenes can portray the gory realities of life and death in nature.

There’s one theme in all Inuit sculptures. They show the fact that Inuit people have deep connections with their family life.  And also depict their natural surroundings and spiritual beliefs.

Some Inuit artists have converted to Christianity. But many still include Inuit spirituality and legends as a big part of their lives. This is portrayed in some of their Inuit sculpture and other artwork.

Stones & Styles

Inuit Stone Sculpture of Arctic Bird

Inuit Stone Sculpture of Arctic Bird

The differences in artistic style are partly due to the different types of stone. As well as other materials available in each community. And there are regional preferences. Of course there can be outside influences when Inuit artists travel from community to community. This is particularly the case with larger growing communities like Iqaluit which has seen an influx of Inuit from other parts of Nunavut ever since becoming its capital. One can find a variety and blending of Inuit art styles here.

Western Arctic Region

Inuit sculpture from the western part of the Arctic are usually smaller in scale compared to artwork from other areas. Entire scenes made with multiple pieces attached are common. These scenes usually depict traditional life including camps, hunting, igloos and dog sleds. Ivory is used frequently here and sometimes pieces of copper are added. Especially to pieces from Kugluktuk (Coppermine). Holman is an Inuit community known for its art prints and the popularity of its annual releases rival to that of Cape Dorset

The Inukshuk: Structures & Carvings

Canadian north inuit inukshuk

What Is An Inukshuk? The Inukshuk has been one of the most significant symbols of the Canadian Arctic north.

An inukshuk is a structure made of stones piled on top of each other. The word means “in the likeness of a Human.” Inuksuit figures are used for a number of reasons. In the white snowscape everything can look the same — a bleak, rolling sameness. The iconic stone figures stood out no matter what the season or weather.

The amazing Inukshuk has 4 purposes…

  1. Navigation: Inuksuit (plural of Inukshuk) help guide travelers through the frozen north
  2. Hunting: Inuksuit mark hunting and fishing spots. And can be used to create paths for hunting caribou
  3. Safety: Inuksuit warn of danger
  4. Reverence: Inuksuit mark sacred places

Many people buy and collect Inuit art as investments.

Inuit art is growing internationally. But it has been suggested that the number of actual Inuit artists are actually declining. Carving and the entire process of bringing back suitable stone from distant quarries to their own communities are hard work for Inuit art carvers. Many young Inuit prefer to pursue less physically demanding careers. Such as regular nine to five, weekday only government office occupations.

Inuit Arctic Inukshuk hand carving

Inuit Arctic Inukshuk hand carving

Identifying Authentic Indigenous Art — The Igloo Tag

Authentic Inuit and Native Canadian artworks are unique. No two pieces are alike. Genuine Inuit carvings should be accompanied by an Igloo Tag.  This tag is a Canadian government-registered trademark. It certifies that the piece is handmade by Inuit artisans. In 2017, the Inuit Art Foundation was given full control of this iconic trademark. Collectors are advised to purchase indigenous art from reputable galleries and dealers. This avoids inadvertently supporting the counterfeit market.

Clint Leung is the Founder of the Free Spirit Gallery.


Canadian Indigenous Art - birdYOU’VE GOTTA SEE NORTHWEST CANADIAN INDIGENOUS ART HISTORY: Totem Poles, Thunderbirds, Eagle & the Wolf Mother


Further Reading:

  • “An inuksuk (plural inuksuit) or inukshuk is a type of stone landmark or cairn built by, and for the use of, Inuit, Iñupiat, Kalaallit, Yupik…” Inuksuk
  • An inukshuk is a stone formation traditionally built by the Inuit. Originally spelled inuksuk, the word inukshuk means “to act in the capacity of a Human’… What Is An Inukshuk? | History – Cultural Elements


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WRITER? How To Get More Online Followers On Limited Budget

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How to build sales.


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WRITER?  How To Build Sales.  How To Get More Online Followers On a Limited Budget

Posted Feb 16, 2025 by Brian Alan Burhoe.

“It’s STILL all about getting found online!”

Here’s how it’s working for me. I have WordPress, of course. The BEST platform for a freelance writer. My daily Jetpack Results are showing a steady increase in Site Views. And an increase in Social Media Shares.  (Speaking of which.  If you like this post, Please Share this Post on Your Social Media!)

And — most important — an increase in CLICKED EXTERNAL LINKS. Especially to AMAZON.


“I find that writing articles based on my own knowledge and life
experiences is the best means of internet marketing,” explains Craig Lock.  Craig’s ideas have been a big help in building this site.  It’s time to share them with you.

“In other words, you are BRANDING yourself. Writing down information
(valuable), that can inform. And most importantly, HELP others
through SHARING.”

Are You a Writer? A few more words of advice from Craig Lock…

Just write in your own UNIQUE and distinctive style. What
comes naturally to you. Be yourself in your writing and you will
find that the words will flow. Use your individual area of expertise
(and/or interests) to help others through sharing your unique
knowledge and experiences of the magical journey that is life.

Writer? Where to Submit Your Articles

Then submit your articles to relevant ezines in your area of
interest or expertise, and/or publishers resources – lists like…

  • Shelley Lowery’s Article Announce
  • Mike Valentine’s Free-Content
  • Angela Giles-Klocke’s TheWriteArticles
  • PromoteYour Article
  • Free-eContent.

All very useful lists, that we regularly use.

Their web addresses are:


Publisher Network:


They are all an excellent source of information. And many
ezine publishers source relevant articles from these lists.
Sometimes even ezines with huge readerships pick up articles.

this writer loves snoopy

Writer Target Marketing

I believe that this strategy is the most effective form of TARGET
MARKETING. That get’s us the best results on a very limited
advertising budget. Like most start up home online businesses.
And best of all it’s BRANDING oneself through free advertising.

A few final words to summarise…

Why not start WRITING ARTICLES for the www and see
what happens. You DON’T have to be a “professional”
writer to write articles. You know more about
the subject matter (based on your past
knowledge and experiences). And especially YOUR business.
It doesn’t matter whether you have never written anything
before. Just make a beginning.

“Be bold and unseen forces come to your aid.”
(that is one of my favourite quotations — I found it on a favourite online author of mine!). [1]

Progress in life is accomplished by doing the basics right. The
“little chores day by day.” Success is never instantaneous —
in any field of endeavour. For a while it may appear as if you
are not making a noticeable difference through your substantial
efforts (in time and dedication put in ).

However, just keep “chipping away” at your online marketing long enough. And I can assure you, you WILL get noticed with web traffic. Even though
it may take awhile. The key to internet marketing success is
PERSISTENCE. Taking the small steps daily and making them HABITS.
Ingrained…like writing articles!

This whole business of internet marketing has been one long
learning curve for us over the past five years. Seeing what
works and what doesn’t. Like the lessons of life itself.


Just make a beginning. Take that first step and you’ll find
that one step naturally leads to the next.

As the ancient Chinese proverb so wisely said:
“A journey of a thousand miles starts with a broken fan belt
and a leaky tyre — er sorry, a single step”.

Good luck with those first few steps in writing articles for the
www. And ENJOY the journey.

– Craig Lock


“Live Free, Mon Ami!” – Brian Alan Burhoe


Wordpress Hosting by Bluehost WordPress Site Hosted by Bluehost


WRITER?  How To Build Sales.  How To Get More Online Followers On a Limited Budget

[1] “Be bold…” See

SOURCE: Craig Lock is an author of how-to writing articles. His work can be found on ArticlesFactory. Among his writings are “How to Write a Book and Get Published.” “How To Build Credibility Online: The Magic Ten Steps.” And “How to Brand/Market Yourself and your Online Business on a Shoestring Budget — or even for FREE.” Source: Free Guest Posting Articles from

Writer Snoopy laptop computer

TAGS: Instagram followers, tiktok followers, buy followers, free followers. Facebook followers, where to submit articles, freelance writer, writer, writer AI.


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FERAL CAT MEANING Animal Story of Feral Cats Scarface & Nipper

Feral Cats and Humans.

What are feral cats?

Feral cats meaning and story

FERAL CAT MEANING Animal Story of Feral Cats Scarface & Nipper

Are they really Feral Cats?

After all, we all started out living in the wild.  We domesticated ourselves first, that’s all.

Then we took wild wolf pups into our crude homes.  And thousands of years later our dogs happily live with us.

After we settled down as a farming species, cats slinked into our Granaries.  They loved the rats and mice who lived there.  And after a while, some of those cats deigned to come into our homes and live among us.

Feral Cats vs Stray.

Some of our feline pets wander away.  Lost cats.  Stray cats.  Sometimes they’re found.  Or find their way home.  Sometimes they rewild.  Have kittens.  We call them Feral, eh?  I call them cats.[1]

Feral cats in city

Here, from author Bobbee Cera, is a wonderful animal story in a class by itself.

In an unexpected twist of fate, a self-professed dog lover recounts the heartwarming saga of a feral cat named Nipper and her protector, Scarface. This narrative explores the peculiar dynamics of animal relationships and the profound impact they can have on human lives.

He had an initial reluctance. But the author’s life becomes intertwined with these feline characters. Leading to a journey filled with surprises, affection, and life lessons.

“The Unlikely Bond: A Tale of Nipper, Scarface and Their Human Companion” by Bobbee Cera

An Unwanted Visitor

I never considered myself a cat person; dogs were my preferred companions. Cats, with their independent streak, never quite appealed to me. However, life has a way of presenting us with the unexpected. One day, a pregnant feral cat appeared at my doorstep, pleading for sustenance. Despite my reservations, I couldn’t resist her plea and offered her some milk, which led to an unexpected bite and the cat earning the name Nipper.

The Cost of Compassion

After the bite, a visit to the vet set me back $84. A sum I begrudgingly paid to ensure Nipper’s health. Yet, her persistent cries outside my door, both day and night, became a nuisance to my neighbors and myself. My attempts to ignore her failed when she presented me with her litter of scrawny kittens. Feral kittens. Accompanied by a rugged tomcat with a half-missing ear, whom I named Scarface.

The Feline Family Dynamic

Scarface, with his battle-scarred appearance, seemed to be the dominant male.  He was fiercely protective of Nipper and her kittens. It was fascinating to observe the family dynamics. Scarface would babysit the kittens while Nipper hunted — a behavior rarely discussed in feline studies. According to a study by the University of Georgia, only about 1 in 10 male cats show paternal behavior towards their offspring.[2]

A Bond Beyond Nature

As time passed, the kittens grew and ventured off on their own, and I faced the prospect of moving away. I decided it was best to leave Nipper with Scarface, as she was a wild cat at heart. However, Nipper’s attachment to me proved stronger than expected, leading me to bring her to my new home after she caused a commotion at my old residence.

The Cycle Continues

Settling into our new home, Nipper quickly adapted, but not without a surprise — she gave birth to three kittens resembling Scarface. Despite being spayed, Nipper continued to wait for Scarface’s visits, demonstrating the complexity of feline relationships. After another move, Nipper’s attempts to reunite with Scarface were heart-wrenching. But our return to the vicinity of their first encounter brought an unexpected reunion.

Lessons Learned from Feline Friends

Scarface has since passed away, but Nipper, now an elderly cat with failing health, remains with me. As she approaches her twenty-first year, her presence is a constant reminder of the miracles and lessons that come from opening one’s heart to the unexpected.

In the world of feline behavior, it’s rare to hear about such enduring bonds between feral cats and humans. A study by Oregon State University found that cats can form secure attachments to their caregivers, similar to children and dogs.[3] Nipper’s story is a testament to this, showcasing the depth of connection that can exist between species.

Lessons from the Feline World

Observing the feral cat community has been a transformative experience. It has shown me the power of empathy and the impact of small acts of kindness. As I contemplate the future of this feral family, I am reminded of the broader implications for human society.

If we could emulate the compassion and cooperation exhibited by these cats, we might just create a more harmonious world for all.

– Bobbee Cera


Do You love Animal Stories?

Read my story of the Wolf who rescued a Husky!




An “entertaining and affectionate” narrative in the Jack London Tradition.  Story of a lone Gray Wolf and his quest for a place in the far-flung forests of the feral North.  WOLFBLOOD: A Wild Wolf, A Half-Wild Husky & A Wily Old Trapper


“BOOKS. CATS. LIFE IS GOOD.” – Edward Gorey.  SEE Writers’ Cat Quotes: Loving, Sentimental & Funny Cats Quotes.


Author Bobbee Cera Source: Free Guest Posting Articles from

[1] “A feral cat or a stray cat is an unowned domestic cat (Felis catus) that lives outdoors and avoids human contact; it does not allow itself to be handled or…” Feral Cat.

[2] “According to a study by the University of Georgia, only about 1 in 10 male cats show paternal behavior towards their offspring.” University of Georgia.

[3] “A study by Oregon State University found that cats can form secure attachments to their caregivers, similar to children and dogs.”
Oregon State University.

Feral cat kitten

TAGS Animal tale, Feral cats Australia, Feral cats info, feral cats advice, feral cats near me, feral cats for adoption, Feral cats, Feral cats meaning, feral cats vs stray.


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